Dongying City High Level Talent Entrepreneurship Competition
Apply by October 5, 2021!
Explore the vast market of China through the Dongying Entrepreneurship Competition. With generous prizes, and opportunities to connect with potential customers and regional government, the Competition can fasttrack your company's international growth.
The Dongying Entrepreneurship Competition seeks applications in the below sectors:
Petroleum Service Technologies
High-end Equipment
Rubber and Tires
Agriculture Technology
1st Prize x 2
RMB 500,000 (~$100,000 CAD)
2nd Prize x 3
RMB 300,000 (~$60,000 CAD)
3rd Prize x 5
RMB 200,000 (~$40,000 CAD)
Merit Prize
RMB 100,000 (~$20,000 CAD)
Competition Timeline
October 5, 2021 - Registration Deadline
October 7, 2021 through Oct 14, 2021 - 1st Matching Session
October 15, 2021 - Preliminary Round
October 16 through November 12, 2021 - 2nd Matching Session
November 13 - Final
November 20 - Award & Signing Ceremony
The Competition is online
The Competition accepts both Mandarin and English
Enter the challenge before 6 Oct 2021, 9:59am MST.
Click the QR Code: